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Full Version: Unlock Code request for Huawei e5573
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I'm requesting a Code for unlocking Huawei WiFi modem.
Model: Huawei E5573s-853 TD-LTE
IMEI: 866858020307793

Thank you.

PS: Is there any way to insert a code without a Default Sim? Bcse, I'm not in China, where I bought a modem.
mongolzuuch Wrote:hi,
i'm requesting a code for unlocking huawei wifi modem.
Model: Huawei e5573s-853 td-lte
imei: 866858020307793

thank you.

ps: Is there any way to insert a code without a default sim? Bcse, i'm not in china, where i bought a modem.

imei: 866858020307793
flash code: 56830775
v1 algo unlock code: 50524695
v2 algo unlock code: 46039056
v3 algo unlock code: 97814267
Thank you very much for your help.
Now I have to figure out how to insert the code into the Router. Bcse, the router is saying the Device is Unlocked, even though i didnot enter the code. The "Unlock device" function is not activating. The router seems unable to find the Network. I searched manually the network, it could not find the wireless Network. Pl. help with this issue.