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Full Version: Connect to Home Assistant via SSH
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Step 1: Enable SSH Access
Click your profile in Home Assistant.
[Image: ngcb16]
Toggle Advanced Mode on if it isn’t already.
[Image: ngcb16]

Step 2: Install SSH Addon
Next, go back to Home Assistant > Supervisor > Dashboard. If Terminal & SSH isn’t already installed, click the Add-on Store tab to install it.
[Image: ngcb16]
Click the Configuration tab at the top.
[Image: ngcb16]
Enter a password into the Password field and save.
Under Network, set the port to 22, and then click Save.
It will prompt you to restart your addon afterwards.
[Image: ngcb16]
Once installed and a password has been set, click the Info tab to start the addon.

Step 3: Connect to Home Assistant via Putty
Launch the SSH tool of your choice (I’m using Putty). For the Host Name, type the hostname or IP of Home Assistant and enter 22 for the port.
The first time you connect to it, a box will popup asking if you trust the host. Click Yes.
[Image: ngcb16]
Login credentials: Root / the password you created in Terminal & SSH addon.
Now, you should be connected to HA via SSH!
[Image: ngcb16]

Step 4: Navigate & Edit Configuration Files
To start editing some of your files, such as 
, use the following commands:
cd /config

This will change to the root directory. This would be the same as if you clicked File Editor from within Home Assistant. Then, edit your configuration.yaml file by typing:
nano configuration.yaml