Ver 2 - ver 3 of code ( Unlock code for Heawei E353s-2)
Please I need the unlock code for this Moden
Huawei E353s-2
model : E353s-2
IMEI : 356793045653532
Made in Chain
I use the online Calculator to the following code but is not working
IMEI: 356793045653532
This is your codes:
» Unlock code: 56268382
» Flash code: 35221955
Please Can someone help me out. thank
Ver 2 - ver 3 of code ( Unlock code for Heawei E353s-2)
Please I need the unlock code for this Modern
Huawei E353s-2
model : E353s-2
IMEI : 356793045653532
Made in Chain
I use the online Calculator to the following code but is not working
IMEI: 356793045653532
This is your codes:
» Unlock code: 56268382
» Flash code: 35221955
Please Can someone help me out. thank
fmartins245 Wrote:Ver 2 - ver 3 of code ( Unlock code for Heawei E353s-2)
Please I need the unlock code for this Moden
Huawei E353s-2
model : E353s-2
IMEI : 356793045653532
Made in Chain
I use the online Calculator to the following code but is not working
IMEI: 356793045653532
This is your codes:
» Unlock code: 56268382
» Flash code: 35221955
Please Can someone help me out. thank
IMEI: 356793045653532
Unlock (V1): 56268382
Unlock (V2): 69918531
Unlock (V3/201): 51210350
Flash: 35221955
(16-12-2016, 02:32 PM)nnm Wrote: [ -> ]fmartins245 Wrote:Ver 2 - ver 3 of code ( Unlock code for Heawei E353s-2)
Please I need the unlock code for this Moden
Huawei E353s-2
model : E353s-2
IMEI : 356793045653532
Made in Chain
I use the online Calculator to the following code but is not working
IMEI: 356793045653532
This is your codes:
» Unlock code: 56268382
» Flash code: 35221955
Please Can someone help me out. thank
IMEI: 356793045653532
Unlock (V1): 56268382
Unlock (V2): 69918531
Unlock (V3/201): 51210350
Flash: 35221955
please help me too, i lost hope
Found modem : E353
Model : Huawei E353
IMEI : 867989012392037
Serial NR. : C9RBYA9282103168
Firmware :
Compile date / time : Jul 21 2011 15:46:06
Hardware ver. : CH2E353SM
Dashboard version : UTPS22.
SIM Lock status : Locked (CardLock)
Please unlock code for Huawei SHT-AL09 mediapad
Reading info
Device Model: SHT-AL09
Device Firmware: :SHT-AL09
Base Firmware: :SHT-LGRP2-OVS
Custom Firmware: :SHT-AL09-CUST
Preload Firmware: :SHT-AL09-PRELOAD
Device FB Lock: LOCKED
Device USER Lock: LOCKED
Device Lock: locked
Device Fastboot SN: JQE6R18305000869
(15-12-2016, 06:59 AM)fmartins245 Wrote: [ -> ]Ver 2 - ver 3 of code ( Unlock code for Heawei E353s-2)
Please I need the unlock code for this Moden
Huawei E353s-2
model : E353s-2
IMEI : 356793045653532
Made in Chain
I use the online Calculator to the following Doodle Jump code but is not working
IMEI: 356793045653532
This is your codes:
» Unlock code: 56268382
» Flash code: 35221955
Please Can someone help me out. thank
However, neither of these worked. Could anyone please help me with the correct unlock code or guide me on what to do next? I would really appreciate any help. Thank you!